• Adapting Your Workplace

    Providing Nimble Business Solutions To Navigate Transitional Periods

Our Services

Storing And Disassembling Your Office

Eliminate Costly Overhead by Utilizing Affordable Storage Solutions

Economic shifts are transforming global office space requirements. Companies everywhere are altering their work-from-home policies, while others are allowing employees to work remotely on a permanent basis. These are monumental shifts that are changing businesses needs for office space.

With decades of experience in relocation and storage, we can guide your pivot into the new office landscapes of today & beyond. We will expertly inventory, disassemble & pack your office, then store it in our state of the art warehouse facilities. Companies are able to attain tremendous cost savings by utilizing storage of their offices during a transitional phase.

Reconfiguring Your Office

We understand that the health & safety of your employees is your top priority. As companies return to the office, a safe and clean environment is essential. We can help you adopt newly instituted measures such as workplace distancing,

New office layouts supporting social distancing will require reconfigurations, re-stacking, and internal shifting of current office spaces. At Sher-Del Transfer, our commercial furniture engineers can expertly re-configure the office space to provide and accommodate new and additional safety enhancements.

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